Screen Australia funds CEEBS development
Girl, Interpreted receives funding for half-hour
Lil Ceebs premieres on SIGNAL's IGTV channel
CEEBSNikki TranSignal Arts, Signal, Melbourne, Lil Ceebs, CEEBS, ceebsproject, betiel beyin, leigh lule, amie batalibasi, nikki tran, web series, IGTV, Instagram
Girl, Interpreted nominated for AACTA Award
Girl, Interpreted nominated at Melbourne WebFest 202
GIRL, INTERPRETED, Screenings/Festivals, AwardsNikki Tranmelbourne webfest, web series, girl interpreted, grace feng fang juan, jenny zhou, best actor, best screenplay, best comedy, nikki tran, screening, official selection, nomination
Make it Monthly: Online to... where?
Nikki Tranacmi, aftrs, media mentors, girl interpreted, nikki tran, lee naimo, hayley adams, max miller, ric forster, flunk, web series, aunty donna, love songs, i can't even, screen australia, audience, make it monthly
Girl, Interpreted is live online!
Girl, Interpreted to premiere at National Gallery of Victoria
GIRL, INTERPRETED, Producing Work, Screenings/FestivalsNikki Trangirl interpreted, web series, national gallery of victoria, ngv, chinese translation, jenny zhou, grace feng fang juan, nikki tran, premiere, trailer
FRESH! at Melbourne Writers' Festival
FRESH! up for Best Actress and Best Short Form Comedy at Stareable
FRESH! to hit Seoul Web Fest!